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State Development Corporation of Thuringia (LEG Thüringen)

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| Invest in Thüringen | Created by Erfurt

Coronavirus crisis: Chinese company CATL donates hundreds of thousands of masks and gloves to Thuringia

Strong signal of affiliation to the region / LEG assisted with organizing the aid / the recipient is the Foundation outpatient medical care Thuringia

ERFURT: The Chinese battery manufacturer Contemporary Amperex Technology Co. Limited (CATL) is strongly committed to the investment location Thuringia and has started expansion operations in the business park “Erfurter Kreuz”. Upon completion of the final construction phase, up to 2,000 jobs will be created in the region. Even in these difficult times, the multinational is demonstrating its strong ties to the region and to Thuringia with a large donation: CATL is donating 100,000 surgical masks and 200,000 disposable gloves to the Foundation outpatient medical care Thuringia, which in times of the Coronavirus pandemic is vital for local outpatient and inpatient treatment. Expressing satisfaction, CATL’s European CEO Matthias Zentgraf said: “Last year we began laying the foundation for our corporate future in Arnstadt and Ichterhausen, and in these past months we have experienced a lot of support, we feel very much welcome here”. He continued: „From the very beginning, we felt a strong commitment towards the region and its community and we are looking forward to contributing towards combatting the pandemic in Thuringia by giving a donation!” The Department of Investment, International Business and Cluster Promotion of the LEG played a significant supportive role by establishing the contact to the Foundation, advising on topics related to imports of goods and ensuring swift logistics in the implementation of the project.

For the Minister of Economic Affairs Wolfgang Tiefensee, this donation is an expression of the company’s strong affiliation to its corporate location in Thuringia: “Globalisation does not only mean fierce competition but also signifies friendly cooperation transcending country and company borders. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to CATL and the LEG for this initiative.”
“This is an outstanding beacon of solidarity that CATL is lighting with its comprehensive relief campaign“,  CEO of the LEG Andreas Krey praised CATL´s support. “The cooperation worked out wonderfully and we are glad to see our excellent collaboration continue and elevate to an even higher level with this important project!“ 

The relief items were made available in the Chinese city of Ningde and have just arrived in Weimar. The recipient is the Foundation outpatient medical care Thuringia, founded in 2009 by the Association of Licensed Medical Practitioners and the Free State of Thuringia with the aim to help and support the outpatient medical care in Thuringia. The masks and gloves will be beneficial to the medical staff throughout Thuringia tasked with the emergency medical care of Covid-19 risk groups. Jörg Mertz, Foundation´s Managing Director, is very pleased: “In these very hard times of the Coronavirus-pandemic we appreciate all the support. This donation enables general practitioners to hand out surgical masks to high-risk patients for self-protection.” 

The Foundation will provide the masks and gloves to:

  • Approx. 3.700 medical practices of statutory general practitioners in Thuringia
  • Emergency medical services for all participating physicians 
  • Approx. 25 installed and equipped Coronavirus support centers (Test sites) for COVID-19 patients
  • Approx. 15 infection consultation services

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