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State Development Corporation of Thuringia (LEG Thüringen)

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Mubea Opens Development Center in Thuringia

New development and prototyping center in Weißensee/Thuringia opened during 5th chassis colloquium.

More than 120 international automotive industry experts gathered at this year’s Mubea colloquium in Weißensee in June to discuss innovations in axle springs and stabilizer systems, fiber composite applications and wheels. There was great interest in the new developments, which exemplify Mubea’s innovative capacity.

The highlight of the event was the opening of the new development center by Dr. Thomas Muhr (Managing Director) and Dr. Jörg Neubrand (Head of Chassis Division), with Thuringia’s Minister-President, Bodo Ramelow, also attending. The 8,900 m2 center will become the workplace for 126 staff members working in prototype construction, technology testing, structural durability and metallography and surfaces technology. The center will develop suspension systems from idea to prototype through series production and be the mainstay of future chassis-related innovations that lead to sustainable mobility.

Mubea, which employs more than 11,000 people at its 29 locations around the world to make leading-edge automotive components, celebrates its 100th anniversary this year. It has been present in Thuringia since 1991, and the 75,000 m2 Weißensee plant has made a significant contribution to its development to a leading axle spring manufacturer, with its 900 staff producing 14 million axle springs, 4.5 million stabilizer systems and 100,000 tonnes of tailor rolled blanks annually. (Mubea/maa)

Mubea Opens Development Center in Thuringia

New development center of Mubea Fahrwerk in Weißensee/Thuringia, Photos: Mubea

Mubea Opens Development Center in Thuringia

Dr. Jörg Neubrand (Head of Chassis Division), Dr. Arnulf Wulff (LEG Thüringen), Dr. Thomas Muhr (Managing Director) and Minister-President, Bodo Ramelow (from left), at the 5th chassis colloquium 2016 in Weißensee/Thuringia. Photo: Mubea