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State Development Corporation of Thuringia (LEG Thüringen)

Dept. Investment, International Business and Cluster Promotion

Mainzerhofstraße 12
99084 Erfurt
Phone: +49 (0) 361 5603-450
Fax: +49 (0) 361 5603-328
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| Invest in Thüringen


Rudolstadt - Zeilenwert GmbH from Rudolstadt is the start-up champion for 2013. The publishing services provider has won the prize provided by KfW banking group for its creative and sustainable business idea that creates added value for society. The young company converts ebooks for publishers into all digital formats and handles sales and the resulting statements of account to more than 100 shops in Germany and abroad. More than 100 publishers have already used Zeilenwert’s one-stop-shop services.

Weimar - With the opening of the Bauhaus Factory in May, Thuringia has gained a new commercial and start-up center. Companies from the creative sector are particularly welcome at the approximately 1,000 square meter office and workspace near the Bauhaus University in Weimar. “We want the new commercial center to give young creative companies the ability to develop ideas together and establish themselves on the market,” said Thuringia’s State Secretary of Economics, Jochen Staschewski, at the opening.