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Pades Sets to Work on High-performance Materials

A new research joint venture has been formed to develop and manufacture functionalized particles. pades - ‘partikeldesign thüringen’ brings together 13 companies and four research institutes from the Erfurt-Weimar-Jena region that already have a successful track record in the field.

The brainchild of Glatt Ingenieurtechnik GmbH and the State Development Corporation of Thuringia, pades aims to be established as the world’s largest full-service manufacturer of functionalized particle systems by 2022. It has already been pledged almost EUR 12 million in financial support from ‘Unternehmen Region’, an innovation scheme for former East German states run by Germany’s Ministry of Research.

Members of the joint venture, which is based in Weimar, include small- and medium-sized companies whose capacity is not sufficient to cover entire process chains themselves, so that they depend on partners in order to be able to develop, produce and sell marketable materials. By participating in the joint venture, each company contributes part of the value creation chain for high-performance materials, from development to scale-up and from production to building suitable production facilities. Such cooperation will enable the manufacture of specialized high-performance materials of a quality never seen before. (gro)

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pades develops new high-performance materials. Source: © sensolux /