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State Development Corporation of Thuringia (LEG Thüringen)

Dept. Investment, International Business and Cluster Promotion

Mainzerhofstraße 12
99084 Erfurt
Phone: +49 (0) 361 5603-450
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Wind in the Sails of Thuringia’s Exporters

A record-breaking crowd attended the 10th Thuringian Exporters’ Day (Außenwirtschaftstag) in Suhl at the beginning of March, with more than 230 people coming to hear about current trends and traps for exporters.

Where is the exporting industry in Thuringia heading? That was the question on everyone’s mind at the annual exporters’ day at the beginning of March. Joining Minister Tiefensee were exporters, experts representing various countries, and futurist Dr. Karlheinz Steinmüller, all seeking the answers and workable strategies that are hard to come by in an age of protectionism in world trade. The figures for 2016 testify to good work by Thuringia’s exporters, which achieved a new record of EUR 14.4 billion euros. To keep the trend heading upward this year too, Tiefensee encouraged businesses to keep their targets and to make good use of state support in the form of delegations, other business-related trips, participation in trade fairs and a wide range of other supportive measures. A highlight of the day was the presentation of the Mechanical Engineering Export Drive (Exportinitiative Maschinenbau) pilot project, which will be extended to all sectors if it proves successful. “This is about putting together an individual support package for every interested company that will help it get into foreign markets,” said Tiefensee.

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Wind in the Sails of Thuringia’s Exporters

The 10th Thuringian Exporters’ Day was held in Suhl this year. Photo: State Development Corporation of Thuringia / Thomas Abé